Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Home Sweet Home

I made it to Florida!!  So excited!

Lindsay's wedding was absolutely beautiful.  She was just stunning in her dress.  I was maid of honor, so I was with her all morning, but when she came out with her dad into the sunlight the other bridesmaid Tori and I just broke down.  We were almost to the point of bawling.  So so so beautiful.

By the time I got home I was exhausted but I had so much to do before I could nap.  I was running around my house like a crazy person trying to get all the last minute things done with my packing.  I was getting a good workout with it though, doing squats, lifting heavy boxes, sprints to and from the car.  It was interesting.  I popped two Benadryl and tried to go to sleep.  Normally that knocks me out for the rest of the night and I'm groggy until the late afternoon the next day, but I got maybe a 3 hour nap out of it.  I woke up and all I could think was "I have to get the car packed."

The car ended up being stuffed to the point of almost not being able to see.  The trunk was full of boxes and the back seat was full of laundry baskets and bags and other stuff piled up on  top of each other.

I only started crying when I left because my parents started crying.  How can you not cry at a time like that?  But I was really upset about leaving my dog.  That is my child.  He sleeps with me, cuddles with me, I'm the only one who can catch him and knows how to hold him properly.  I was more torn up about having to leave my dog than about leaving my parents.  Is that bad?

Haruko drove down with me, and we decided to drive down at night so we'd have more vacation time.  It's a 10 hour drive and we switched off about every three hours.  There was no all-night dance party, there was barely any talking.  We stopped a few times to fill up and for bathroom breaks and to eat some breakfast.  We also stopped at the state line at the "Welcome to Florida" sign and took pictures.

I've made a lot of trips into Florida, but they were never one way.  I thought it deserved documentation.

We got here in exactly 10 hours.  So tired I was delirious almost all day yesterday.  By the time I got to bed I hadn't slept in about 24 hours, so I was really tired.  The day seemed to go in slow motion and 10 PM just couldn't get here fast enough.  But everything is unpacked now, my car is clean, and now I just have to remember where I put everything.

Today was spent at the beach and doing some other stuff.  I have always wanted to live by the beach  ever since I made my first trip to the ocean when I was 12.  And now I do.  I'm 5 miles from the beach.  I will be there every chance I get until it gets really old.  Which I don't see happening any time soon.  It's very calming and I love the sun.  I get tan and vitamin D.

I met my new store manager, I'm on the schedule starting Friday.  So I have a job!  I didn't find out which store I was going to be in until this morning.  Seriously, I thought I was going to have another anxiety attack if I didn't hear back from the DM.  I even texted my old DM to make sure my PTO had been approved and he kept asking me questions about if I made it ok and if I'd met my new boss.  I didn't know how much he liked me until I left.

So, I'm at the end of the country in one piece, I have my best friend with me until Thursday.  Life is good.


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