Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bon Voyage Bonfire

My friends are awesome.  Let that be known.

Haruko and Charlie (mostly Haruko) planned a bonfire party as my going away party, which was last night.  I had way too much fun.  Seriously.  I started the party off early by heading straight over to Haruko's house after work with Lindsay in tow.

 I was going to go to the grocery store before her house to grab stuff for s'mores and ice, but I ended up having to change my clothes before going back out.  I had forgotten that I put my water on top of my car and started to drive out of the parking lot, windows down and sun roof open because it was warm outside.  Well, one of the security people driving around started honking at me, so I stopped.  And then my water came flying into the car through the sun roof and all over me and the dash.  "That's what I was trying to warn you about," says the security lady.

"Yeah, thanks," I say back, still in shock.

At least it was just water.

So I change clothes at Haruko's and Lindsay and I go get stuff.  When we get back Charlie is the only one at the house and he's about to leave.  I find out that Haruko has gone to Total Wine with Sam and will be back shortly.  Well, it's 5 by now and they're taking longer than expected.  Lindsay and I start taking jello shots. (Everyone at this party is over the legal drinking age, so everything that happened was legal.)

The way Haruko made them was not how you usually make jello shots.  Normally one would put half water and half whatever alcohol.  Haruko did a half cup of water and the rest vodka.  The jello shots were not jello flavored at all, no matter what color one you picked up.  They were vodka flavored.  And so were the vodka soaked gummy bears.  Those things were lethal.  You'd take one of either, be ok for the first few seconds, then start breathing heavily and making weird ninja moves with your arms.

Needless to say, by the time Haruko and Sam got back to the house Lindsay and I were toasty.  Then Sam made blowjob shots.  And after that we had mixed drinks.  We got a little silly.  I ended up with Mardi Gras beads, glowing plastic devil horns, a flashing light up ring, and a stick on mustache.

All before 7:30 PM.

We, and by we I mean Lindsay, made drunk cupcakes.  I tried to climb a tree in the back yard and scraped up my arms for it.  I got to see a bunch of my friends whom I haven't seen in months, which was great, and two of my coworkers (including my boss) showed up, which wasn't as awkward as I thought it'd be.  Although I was at the point where everything was funny and my speaking voice was set at "yelling," I must apologize if I was obnoxious.  Which I'm sure I was.

I got Lindsay to take me home though because she was sober, she drove right past my house to get home anyway, and I really wanted to sleep in my own bed.  I had just enough presence of mind before passing out to wash my face and text Sam that I made it home ok.

For some reason when I decide I'm going to partake in adult beverages I wake up at the ass crack of dawn the next morning.  When I did wake up around 7AM all I could think of was why I couldn't breathe, my eyes were crusty, and that I had to pee.  Closed my eyes again and got the spins.  Decided that I was still drunk and went back to sleep.

Lindsay picked me up and we went to our nail appointment where I recuperated.  After that we fetched my car and went up to Chattanooga.  She drove, I slept.  Had a consultation for her hair and makeup for her wedding this weekend, which looked beautiful, and the lady decided that she'd do my makeup too!

Good weekend for me.  =)


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