Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Readdressing Anxiety

So the anxiety I was talking about last post, has absolutely nothing to do with me wondering if I'm making the right decision or not.  I know I am doing what is best for me at this point in my life.  I have a job waiting for me, I have family, and a support system.  It's about time I had an adventure.  And if this turns out to be a huge mistake, then I can always go back home.

My anxiety is more focused on not being able to see my friends whenever I want to anymore.  That and the first time I move away I decided to move two states away.  That's a really big change.  But mostly about missing my friends.

The people I'm going to miss the most are going to be Lindsay and her soon-to-be husband Jamie and my "twin" Haruko.  I've known Lindsay for about 10 years now and we've been very close the entire time.  We were the weird kids in high school who bonded over being the weird kids (except we were pretty and not really all that weird) and she's become family.  I'm going to be maid of honor in their wedding right before I move and their imaginary kids will be calling me "Aunt Bekah."  Every year we go to the Atlanta Ballet at least once and make a day of it.  Lindsay and I will have girl dates and just hang around watching movies.  We won't get to do that anymore after I move.

I haven't known Haruko nearly as long as L&J, but we are practically the same person.  We're always on the same page, have the same taste in most things, and we share our road rage.  H and I aren't actually twins, since she's older than me and six inches shorter than me, but we do have amazing twin powers.  It all started when we began showing up to work in similar if not the same outfits.  The phrase "We're friends because we hate all the same people" really was how we started being besties.

Thankfully, H is driving the 700 miles to my new home with me so I don't get bored out of my mind while driving.  Plus she wanted to go on vacation and I'll be a 10 minute drive from the beach.  So I get my friend for a little while longer before I start work and she gets a beach vacation for super cheap.  It's a win-win situation.

The way I've been handling this anxiety has been in taking over H's kitchen and cooking enough to feed a small army once a week, and in very strange dreams.  As in Tim Tebow has made a couple appearances where he's just hanging out and I'm looking around in my dream thinking, "Wtf are you doing here?"  Last night I had a freaky dream where people were turning into zombies.  You know how in zombie movies people start off really sick and then they go into a shot where you're inside their body and you see their cells breaking down?  That's what happened in my dream.  Then we zoom back out and people all over the place are zombies and I'm yelling for my sister to save me.

Watching Zombieland the other day might have had something to do with that dream though.

My mom and sister are hoping to convince H to just stay down in FL with me so I have my twin and an automatic roommate.  Which would be awesome.  Her boyfriend already said I could have joint custody of her anyway.

Oh yeah, a better definition of "quarter-life crisis" would be nice, probably.  That's where when you get to twenty-five and you aren't anywhere near where you thought you'd be so you either: A. change careers, B. pack up your stuff and move far away, or C. both.

So until next time,

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