Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Quarter-Life Crisis

Maybe I should start off with an introduction.

Hi, I'm Bekah.  I currently live in NW Georgia right below the Appalachian Mountains.  I've been out of school for about two years with my bachelor's in business management and I actually have a job in my field, thankfully. Thanks to the recession/depression that the US is in it took me about a year after graduating to find it, but I am thankful none the less.  Also thanks to the economy, I still live at home.  Honestly, considering the circumstances of everything, this is not uncommon.  In fact, this is very common.  Had I graduated from college the same time I graduated from high school, I'd have had three or four jobs to pick from before I was even out of school and I'd probably have already been living somewhere that is not my parents' home.  But c'est la vie.

Don't get me wrong, my parents are great people.  It's more of a roommate situation, they leave me alone and I leave them alone.  They let me keep my dog.  There is just one little thing that's been bugging me though.

I'm turning twenty-five this year.

And I still live at home.

Do you see my dilemma?

My sister lives in SW Florida about an hour and a half away from Miami with her husband and two kids. Their moving was pretty sudden because of issues I'd rather not discuss on the internet, but nothing unsavory.  I took a week's vacation time after the holidays in January to see them and I decided that I needed to do something to change my situation.  Sissy had been telling me that I should move down there since she left two years ago and now I completely understand why.  The town they live in is beautiful and very safe, and the weather is perfect.  I was on the beach tanning in January while it was 45* F at home.

So when I got back with my lovely tan I talked to my boss and his boss and let them know that I wanted to transfer.  It was nothing about being unhappy at my current store (I work in retail) or the people I work with, it was just something I felt like I needed to do.  I felt like I'd hit a plateau in GA, nothing was changing, I really wanted to move up with my career, I have no love life to speak of, and it really bothered me that my niece thinks I'm the phone and my nephew doesn't think of me as his aunt.  

So my District Manager got me in contact with the DM down there and I'm transferring, starting work in the beginning of May.  And I'm on the verge of an anxiety attack almost every day.  Not because of work or anything like that--I have a job waiting for me when I move, I'm good.  I'm nervous because I'm moving 700 miles away from everything I've ever known.  Sissy is wonderful and letting me stay with them until I can afford to live down there on my own and can find roommates, but still.

Normally when people first move away from home it's just down the road or a county over, or if they go far away it's to go to school.  Apparently my subconscious is the "Go big or go home" type and decided to pack up and move two states away.

So, this is my quarter-life crisis.  What's that, you ask?  It's where in your mid twenties you freak out and either change jobs, change your location, or both.  So far, I'm just changing my location from the mountains to the sunny Gulf coast of Florida.  Thank baby Jesus that I at least have my sister and her family as a support system.

I'll be using this blog to relate the experience to anyone who decides to read it.  I'll probably post on a weekly basis if something interesting happens or I have some insight on something or have a breakdown.  

Until the next time. 

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